ben hamblin

ben hamblin is an electronic musician who composes spatial, atmospheric, electroacoustic music, either in live performance or non-realtime production. He is interested in the idea of using limited sound sources to create pieces of vast depth and obscurity; testing the inaudible structure of a sound.

Ben uses a combination of acoustic instruments and electronics in an experimental fashion, to create delicate and dynamic works. He is highly adept with the Cycling 74 program Max/MSP, in which he creates minimal, subtle-glitch electronic patches. With the combination of clarinet, guitar, finger piano, and found object sounds with Max/MSP, ben creates a prolific range of electro-acoustic styles. Through the use of Max/MSP as a standalone, ben has been able to create Sound Art Installations; one of which, ‘Sound Field’ was installed at Spectrum Project Space in 2008, as part of the ‘Interactive’ Installations show.

Ben has collaborated extensively with choreographers in creating complex scores to complement the dances. He works extensively with the choreographers over many months in order to make the compositions as similar to the ideas of the choreographer, and to make the compositions as musical, and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

He has also scored original compositions for numerous films of varying styles. The non-realtime composition aspect allows ben to demonstrate intricate composition techniques with acoustic instruments, combined with compositional studio techniques.

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